Construir narrativas ficticias y terminologías propias es una de las técnicas que las sectas usan para aislar y retener a la gente que han captado. Y que Zuckerberg llame a sus empleados “Metamates” y les cuente milongas para comerles el tarro y confeccionar su lealtad, al fin y al cabo no es tan distinto de eso.
“Metamates—not to be confused with Metamucil, a fiber supplement for those experiencing gastrointestinal distress—will have some other new values moving forward. Zuckerberg told staffers that Meta’s directive to “move fast” is being extended to “move fast together,” “be bold” is now “build awesome things,” and that the values statement now includes a “focus on long term impact.” Facebook’s corporate value of “be open” is now “live in the future,” while “be direct and respect your colleagues” has been changed to… “be open.” Finally, Zuckerberg added, Meta staff should not “nice ourselves to death.””

Hablando de sectas, en este artículo se exploran algunas de las maneras en las que se están hibridando corrientes distintas (o no tanto) como el esoterismo, las conspiraciones anti-vacunas, y la extrema derecha, para generar nuevos cultos y explotar a personas vulnerables. No me extraña tanto porque al fin y al cabo, fascismo y esoterismo están basados en lo mismo: en la irracionalidad y el pensamiento mágico.
Aparte de fe y pensamiento mágico, tanto las sectas como el fascismo (¿es que hay diferencia?) necesitan otra cosa más: financiación. En este leak de datos de la plataforma que recogió las donaciones para la protesta de los camioneros anti-vacunas en Canadá, se descubre que la mayoría de las donaciones provinieron de USA, y en muchas ocasiones, de empleados del gobierno o de la NASA (!).
“A copy of the data obtained by The Verge contained close to 93,000 entries, including names, email addresses, ZIP codes, and country of origin. Among the email addresses listed in the database, a handful come from domains ending in “.gov,” a domain reserved for government entities, and appear to belong to employees of the TSA, Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, and NASA.”
¿Os acordáis de esos perros-robot tan monos que bailaban en youtube? Pues modelos similares ya se están usando en la frontera de México con USA (y más allá) para hacer todavía más peligrosa la vida de migrantes y otros colectivos vulnerables.
“Technology ethicists speak often of “mission creep”, wherein a specific technology or tactic is introduced for a single, specific purpose, then becomes normalized and introduced in new settings. Often this refers to the rise in military-grade equipment being funneled into US police departments, including the robot that Dallas police used to remote deliver and detonate a bomb in 2016, killing a sniper.
“Going from gas-leak detection to migrant-hunting tools, robot dogs appear to fit the mission creep definition, bringing us back to the original question: what exactly are border robot dogs built to accomplish? Perhaps maintaining and automating the US border’s inhospitable character rather than subverting it, is the answer.”

Los implantes que ayudan a personas invidentes a recuperar una pequeña parte de su visión son, sin duda, una gran noticia. Pero no es buena idea dejarlos en manos de empresas como Second Sight, que en cuanto le asoman los números rojos abandona a sus pacientes (o “early adopters”, que dirían en la jerga startupil) a su suerte.
“Ross Doerr, another Second Sight patient, doesn’t mince words: “It is fantastic technology and a lousy company,” he says. He received an implant in one eye in 2019 and remembers seeing the shining lights of Christmas trees that holiday season. He was thrilled to learn in early 2020 that he was eligible for software upgrades that could further improve his vision. Yet in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, he heard troubling rumors about the company and called his Second Sight vision-rehab therapist. “She said, ‘Well, funny you should call. We all just got laid off,’ ” he remembers. “She said, ‘By the way, you’re not getting your upgrades.’ ””
“These three patients, and more than 350 other blind people around the world with Second Sight’s implants in their eyes, find themselves in a world in which the technology that transformed their lives is just another obsolete gadget. One technical hiccup, one broken wire, and they lose their artificial vision, possibly forever. To add injury to insult: A defunct Argus system in the eye could cause medical complications or interfere with procedures such as MRI scans, and it could be painful or expensive to remove.”

La inspiración para crear (en este caso, código y software) puede venir de lugares que no sospechamos. En mi caso, tuve el privilegio de tener en casa un ordenador con BASIC como sistema operativo, en el que programar era casi indispensable, pero para otras generaciones “la chispa” fue comenzar a customizar los temas de Tumblr.
¿Qué es mejor que escuchar Metallica? Pues escuchar una versión de Metallica con instrumentos medievales.