Los países africanos empiezan a dar pasos para tener una regulación efectiva sobre el creciente uso de tecnologías de IA, lo cual incluye las malas prácticas laborales de las corporaciones occidentales que emplean etiquetadores humanos de datos en estas naciones. Pero quizá para cuando se pongan en serio sea demasiado tarde:

“If African countries don’t develop their own regulatory frameworks that protect citizens from the technology’s misuse, some experts worry that Africans will face social harms, including bias that could exacerbate inequalities. And if these countries don’t also find a way to harness AI’s benefits, others fear these economies could be left behind.”

“Nyalleng Moorosi, a specialist in ethics and fairness in machine learning who is based in Hlotse, Lesotho and works at the Distributed AI Research Institute, says that some African countries are already seeing labor exploitation by AI companies. This includes poor wages and lack of psychological support for data labelers, who are largely from low-income countries but working for big tech companies. She argues regulation is needed to prevent that, and to protect communities against misuse by both large corporations and authoritarian governments.”

También relacionado con regulación, USA comienza uno de sus clásicos megajuicios antimonopolio, esta vez con Apple como objetivo:

“The DOJ, along with 16 state and district attorneys general, accuses Apple of driving up prices for consumers and developers at the expense of making users more reliant on its phones. The parties allege that Apple “selectively” imposes contractual restrictions on developers and withholds critical ways of accessing the phone as a way to prevent competition from arising, according to the release.”

“Apple exercises its monopoly power to extract more money from consumers, developers, content creators, artists, publishers, small businesses, and merchants, among others,” the DOJ wrote.

Aunque desde luego, esperamos que el juicio USA vs Apple se lleve con más rigor que la última astracanada judicial que hemos vivido con Telegram en España, protagonizada por el juez Pedraz.

Al final, como todo indicaba, las medidas cautelares en el marco de la demanda impulsada por la oligarquía A3Media+Mediaset+Movistar ha sido más ladrar que morder. Aunque hay que admitir que la más que turbia estructura legal y societaria de Telegram, y su opacidad a las peticiones de información, lo ponía todo en bandeja.

En un horizonte en el que cada vez está mas claro un futuro de decrecimiento y escasez, quizá el neofascismo es la vía que el capitalismo de siempre ha encontrado más efectiva para tratar de sobrevivir:

“Parece haber un amplio consenso en considerar que en la era del capitalismo del desastre que estamos viviendo, la apuesta por una nueva forma de dominación política funcional a la puesta en pie de un nuevo régimen de acumulación capitalista (el “capitalismo crudo”) la están promoviendo las nuevas derechas radicales o la extrema derecha en general. Estas corrientes, además, han encontrado en el trumpismo y su asalto al Capitolio el 6 de enero de 2021 la palanca de apoyo para su (re)lanzamiento a escala global, adaptándose obviamente a los particulares contextos nacionales y a sus nostalgias respectivas, imperiales o no, por pasados idealizados.”

¡Hablando de neofascismo! Hace unas semanas vi la segunda parte de Dune, que me parece una adaptación fantástica de la novela y que transmite perfectamente uno de sus temas más esenciales: el cómo un joven privilegiado tarda muy poco en abandonar sus reparos y sustituir un primitivo parlamentarismo fremen por una teocracia fascista consigo mismo como deidad, para alcanzar sus intereses personales (ser emperador). Como hilan muy bien en este artículo de El Orden Mundial, es más o menos lo que intenta hacer Trump, en una versión mucho más cutre:

“Gracias a su alianza con los fremen y su dominio del desierto, Paul Atreides gana la guerra y cambia el sistema: obliga al emperador a nombrarle su heredero directo para instaurar un nuevo orden. Así culmina una historia que lleva visualizando desde el principio. El posible regreso de Trump a la presidencia, después de haber intentado mantenerse en el poder y con procesos judiciales en contra, también supondría un cambio de sistema en Estados Unidos. Con la experiencia de haber sido presidente, no hace falta una profecía para predecir lo que haría: usar las instituciones a su antojo y hacer de Estados Unidos un país más polarizado.”

Uno de los primeros perros robot policia ya patrulla en Málaga. Su cometido, por el momento, reprender (y ojo, ¡grabar!) a los que usen patinetes en el casco histórico de la ciudad.

La ilustradora Helen Rabitte ha tirado de estética ci-fi setentera para aterrizar en la industria musical.

Más adelantos de Hyperdrama, el nuevo álbum de Justice, que saldrá en apenas un mes.



Muy interesante esta entrevista con Kyle Chaka, autor de “Filterworld”, libro que habla sobre la influencia de las plataformas sociales y los algoritmos en la uniformización hiperacelerada de la cultura que consumimos y producimos, desde la estética visual, a la moda, los muebles, la música, o el arte.

“The core thesis of Kyle’s book — that algorithmic recommendations make everything feel the same — hits at an idea that we’ve talked about countless times on the show: that how content is distributed shapes what content is made. Whether it’s Google Search, YouTube, or TikTok, these platforms and their algorithms dictate how videos are shot, how headlines and articles are written and discovered, and now even how food, music, and art become popular. It is a powerful concept, and it’s an inescapable fact of life on the modern internet. “

“My pet theory, I think, is that each algorithmic feed, each platform, generates its own signature culture that fits into it. So we’re familiar with Instagram face, the kind of influencer plastic surgery aesthetic. We’re familiar with TikTok influencer voice, which is the kind of monotone, syncopated, packing as many words into a sentence as possible. So I think there are forms of content that work for each different platform. And on YouTube, my favorite example of YouTube culture is lo-fi chill hip-hop beats to study / relax to, which is this ambient 24/7, never-ending stream of chill drum beats with acoustic instruments and electric synths behind it, and it’s all different artists composing these songs, but they’re just turned into this wash of ambiguous, semi-meaningless music.

Y estos algoritmos, como no me canso de decir en esta recopilación, están muy lejos de ser “neutrales”. Más bien son una forma muy efectiva de perpetuar sesgos y estructuras de poder ya existentes.

“Se supone que la IA está para ayudarnos, para hacernos la vida menos compleja, pero si hacemos un repaso por sus usos vemos cómo está sirviendo para reproducir viejos patrones de poder. En un estudio conjunto de la UNESCO, el BID y la OCDE llamado Los efectos de la IA en la vida laboral de las mujeres, publicado en 2022, se mencionan varios aspectos en los que el uso de inteligencia artificial está perjudicando a las mujeres al momento de buscar y conseguir un trabajo.”

“En referencia a su trabajo como rider, Soto Aliaga señala que “pese a que supuestamente éramos nuestros propios jefes, nunca me he sentido tan vigilada en un trabajo, ni me he regido por un sistema que penalizara tanto el más mínimo desvío de lo que de ti se esperaba”. Y añade: “El algoritmo era como tener un jefe omnipresente con el que no podías argumentar, pero que podía imponerte cómo, cuándo y de qué manera ibas a trabajar y en qué momento iba a prescindir de ti”.”

Para ser desplegados, estos algoritmos precisan de cantidades ingentes de información y entrenamiento, que las corporaciones están dispuestas a conseguir incluso escaneando iris en centros comerciales a cambio de criptomonedas con fines poco claros. Y eso sólo se puede parar con normativa y regulación.

Como dice el artículo, no hay nada que nos guste más en Internet que un buen fiasco, y la Wonka Experience de Glasgow ha sido uno de los más sonados y sangrantes. Aunque seguro que a estas alturas ya has visto todas las fotos, esta entrevista con una de las actrices contratada para hacer de Oompa Loompa, y quien muy a su pesar ha saltado a la viralidad, arroja más detalles sobre la ruinosa producción del evento (más bien estafa total).

“I was shocked, to be honest with you. I wasn’t expecting it to be like that. It did seem like there was a production going, but to me it wasn’t a finished production — just the start. It was the first time me and the other actors met. I’ve never had a script the night before ever in my life, so when I got the script the night before I was like, Oh, this is not …”

“They kept going on about how you could just improvise. I was skeptical of them saying that, too, because if you’d written a script, then you’d probably pride yourself on what you’d written, right? You wouldn’t want people to improvise! I kind of thought it was AI-generated, but by this point I’d signed the contract.”

Y aparte de los fiascos, lo otro que más nos gusta en Internet es un buen “meltdown”, sobre todo si es alguien tan empeñado en destruir su propia reputación en tiempo récord como el streamer TheGrefg.

“Estamos ante el caso prototipo de figura mal asesorada. Ya empezó gestionando mal su marcha a Andorra, que escondió hasta que le pillaron, pero es que este último vídeo es un gran desastre de comunicación y marketing”, afirma Teresa Iglesias, directora de Marketing en Vincusys. “Aquí partimos de dos hechos: que la Justicia te ha quitado la razón y que la gente encuentra moralmente reprochable que intentes echar a una anciana. Eso tiene que marcar tu tono, tienes que mostrarte especialmente empático. Es justo lo contrario a lo que hace Grefg, que muestra cierto desprecio por la señora y acaba diciendo, al menos en dos ocasiones, que ‘le suda la polla la sentencia”.

“Con muchos influencers veo un fenómeno parecido al del traje del emperador. Viven en una realidad en la que todo el mundo le ríe las gracias y nadie se atreve a señalar sus errores”, apunta Alejandro Domínguez. “Se equivoca al dirigirse a ellos, porque es su audiencia y la mayoría va a permanecer fiel. A quien tenía que dirigirse es a las marcas, que son las que sí se van a preocupar porque todo Twitter te esté llamando especulador… y a ellas les está diciendo que se la suda la Justicia, que la anciana es una sinvergüenza…”.

En la eterna y hasta cierto punto inevitable discusión sobre si la adaptación al cine de Starship Troopers es una sátira del fascismo (spoiler: lo es), este artículo apunta a un aspecto que se suele pasar por alto. Despegándose de la novela original, la película de Verhoeven introduce poderes psíquicos en la humanidad: una herramienta efectiva para hablar y negociar con los alienígenas (el otro), posibilidad que el gobierno fascista descarta sistemáticamente.

“This is unambiguous proof that humans can communicate with bugs, however crudely at first, and one would think that this kind of alien contact would be a watershed moment for humanity. Instead, the film cuts hard to a propaganda reel showing human scientists torturing the Brain Bug and gearing up to wage even more war.”

“That humanity could cross such an incredible threshold—psychic communication with an alien species—and only see it as an opportunity for more domination and war is profoundly depressing.”

So again, I just recently finished Disco Elysium, and there's this big important piece of lore called The Pale - a tissue of nonreality that surrounds the entire world. You may not realize it, but you can even see it in the start screen artwork - inky blueness slowly swallowing up the sky of Revachol, creeping in inch by inch.

It's an existential zone of non-life that covers 72% of the world of Elysium, and is growing, leading to the eventual disappearance of the world itself. The game gives us a big old loredump about The Pale, and then some nice little implications about how it relates to the specific plot of Disco Elysium, and I kinda want to write about it here under the cut.


First, some facts that the game tells us about The Pale:

* Instead of having continents surrounded by ocean like our world, Elysium has islands of mass and reality called "Isolas", surrounded by a connective tissue called The Pale. Revachol exists on the Isola of Insulinde, an oceanic archipelago Isola.
* The Pale is an area of nonreality, in which the laws of the world begin to falter. Languages, physics, sound, and even numbers start losing meaning as you go deeper in.
* The Pale also seems to be inundated with human memories of the past. Lingering too long in the Pale will irradiate your mind with these memories and sensations, dissociating you from the present, eventually destroying your sanity.
* The place where the world transitions into the Pale is called "porch collapse".
* Travelling through the Pale to other isolas is possible, by bouncing radio waves between isolas in order to compress the latitude of the Pale. This quite literally shortens the path of travel by temporarily forcing dimensions on the Pale.
* Airships that travel through the Pale don't have motors or propellers, due to the effect of the Pale on physics. They're simply launched very very hard in the right direction, with enough momentum for them to land on another isola.
* Civilian travelers are only permitted 6 days of Pale exposure per year, for health concerns. It is possible to be cleared for more through training.
* If the conversation with the Phasmid is to be believed, the Pale only began existing when humanity did as well.
* Study of The Pale is called "Entroponetics"
* 72% of the world is covered by The Pale. One day, it will cover the entire world.

Map of Elysium [https://preview.redd.it/mpj2o1bo8j551.png?width=3425&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1350a0af6a17e38e9416dc8348e096662860674]

Fanmade map of the world of Elysium, taken from this reddit post [https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/h97hvq/potential_map_of_elysium_climate/]. The white spaces are The Pale.

We meet some characters in the game that have been affected by The Pale. One obvious example is The Paledriver, a lorry driver stuck in Revachol who takes on trips through The Pale that no one else will take, and is constantly dissociating into memories that belong to other people and other times due to the long term exposure. Joyce Messier is also cleared for 22 days of Pale exposure per year, and suffers degraded early memories due to it.

We also encounter a small seed of The Pale in Revachol itself - in the abandoned Church past the waterlock, which can be found starting on Day 3. A 3 mm wide cylindrical space of complete silence exists in this Church, which has erased all of Fortress Accident's game data, and has nearly erased all of Tiago's memories, who lives closely to the hole at all times.

Church [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FY073B8XEAAAapv?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

I find it easy to believe as well that this Pale seed is the cause for Harry's memory loss (besides his heavy drinking, of course). He crashed his motor carriage not far from the Church during his drunken bender, after all. Erasing Harry's memories and replacing them with dozens of inner voices and thoughts not his own would be incredibly indicative of exposure to the Pale, as explained above. While some of these voices may just be fragments of Harry's intuition and personality, there are also some that are entirely prophetic in nature - such as the Shivers checks which show Harry things that people are doing and feeling in completely different places which he would have no way of knowing, as well as his conversation with the phasmid.

Thoughts about the relationship between humanity and The Pale

This is all just "Lyra gets really silly with conjecture and literary themes" here, so please bear with me. Again, the phasmid told us that The Pale only began existing alongside humanity. Furthermore we know that The Pale is inundated with old human memories, experiences, and emotions (so much so that we experience multiple ghostly conversations through radios , phones, and intercoms with people from unknown times and places because of it).

My thought about The Pale is that it feeds on humanity's obsession with the past, and reliving what has already died and gone. All around Revachol, everyone is clinging desperately to the past, or fearing it without rest; the old soldier Rene still wears his old uniform from a war that ended decades ago, and still mourns old kings. Harry constantly has nightmares about his ex that left him seven years ago. The bookstore keeper Plaisance is constantly paranoid about the other shops that've failed in her building, ignoring the successful business she runs right in front of her. Klaasje is constantly running away from her shady past, always looking over her shoulder. Dozens of other characters cling to old, outdated, harmful racist views and ideologies. And finally, the killer that we spend the entire game searching for is still fighting a war that ended 50 years ago.

As The Pale consists of so, so many memories and old feelings, it would stand to reason that human obsession with The Pale is in turn what is enabling it to continue growing, until it swallows the world.

It would also stand to reason then, that progress and the future would in turn serve to push The Pale back. We see this somewhat in the church, once the new rave club is set up. The new "aniodic music" or whatever it's called tempers and tames the Pale seed within the church; because young people dared to create something new, instead of clinging to what existed in the past.

It'd be nice to then say that there's hope for the world of Elysium, that the Pale may one day be repelled, but I think that this world is characterized by its gloominess, and its melancholic nature, and its resignation to its fate. This world won't have a happy ending, but instead serves as commentary for our own world (especially when you compare The Pale to something like global warming.)

Anyway that's all the loredump and crack theories I had. I dunno why, but existential threats like The Pale just really get my imagination going. One more thing - apparently there's official concept art for Paleworkers, people that man the buoys within The Pale which relay the radio signals which make travel within The Pale safe and possible. They seem to go insane and disappear within a few years, but at least they have sick armor. Check this out.

Paleworker [https://i.imgur.com/qLEnJfL.png]

 Lyra (voidsent biologist) 🔪 on cohost Lyra (voidsent biologist) 🔪 on cohost

Esta semana he terminado por fin Disco Elysium, que a pesar de ser un videojuego quizá sea la mejor novela que he leido en años. Uno de los temas más interesantes del setting que nos va sugiriendo el juego a cuentagotas es el Pálido, y su papel en el mundo de Elysium, del que yo he empezado a ser consciente sólo hacia el final del juego. Este artículo ahonda en detalles y teorías, así que ojo si piensas jugar a Disco Elysium porque hay spoilers.

¿Pop, jazz fussion, synthwave? Con Dirty Loops nunca sabes, lo que puedes estar seguro es que va a molar.